
Determining Eligibility

The SSA department receives all referrals for enrollment. To be eligible for Developmental Disability services an individual must have a qualifying diagnosis, by a professional licensed healthcare person, prior to the age of 22 as well as three limitations in the following seven life skill areas of Mobility, Receptive and Expressive Language, Self Care, Self Direction, Capacity for Independent Living, Learning and Economic Self Sufficiency.

The Children's Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument and the Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument is known collectively as the C/OEDI.

The C/OEDI, records information about a person's abilities and areas that they need support. This information is used to determine their eligibility for county board of developmental disabilities programs. The OEDI captures information about people 16 years old and older.  The Children's OEDI, or COEDI, records information for children 6 to 15 years old.

Children's/Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument

Documentation Requirements for Eligibility

In order to determine an individual eligible for services, you may be asked to provide the following documentation:

  • Copy of Birth Certificate, Social Security card any insurance cards. (i.e. private pay, Medicaid Medicare, ect.)
  • If you are a guardian (court appointed for any individual over the age of 17) will need copy of the Letter of Guardianship
  • Signed Release of information form for the professional who might be able to assist us in determining your eligibility
    • OR Copies of information documenting diagnosis of a developmental disability prior to age 22 from professionals e.g.: medical records, school reports, psychological evaluations, multi-factored evaluation, Individual Educational Plans (IEP’s), and other such reports that show IQ score, or clearly note significant limitations.

What is a Personal Advocate?

Each individual has the option to have a personal advocate designated to assist them with making choices and keeping them focused on their needs and desires. This is someone who can provide advice and assistance related to day to day coordination of services. Someone who is very familiar with the individual’s daily routine, activities and someone who is willing to be involved with assessments, plan development and review process. A personal advocate does not take the place of a guardianship.

Family Support Services / The Parent to Parent Organization

Family Resource funds are allocated by the State of Ohio for use in maintaining individuals affected by developmental disabilities to remain within their family homes. These funds are specifically set aside to assist the family with care and services in areas of Family Respite, Home Modifications, Adaptive Equipment, Special Diets, and Educational Experiences such as camps or training opportunities for both the individual or family members. Eligibility for use of the Family Resources Funds is determined through an application process which includes initial establishment of eligibility for Wayne County Board of Developmental Disabilities Services. Wayne County is unique in that an affiliated Parent to Parent Board is responsible for the use of Family Resource Funds and provides additional funds.

Parent Guide to Family Support Services

Due Process

The SSA will review and explain the ODJFS Medicaid Due Process and the County Board Due Process at the initial meeting. We provide and assist with this process, should the individual and/or guardian request our help.